The aim of NAP Nyrt. is to become a highly efficient company producing renewable energy in international comparison.

The aim of NAP Nyrt. is to become a highly efficient company producing renewable energy in international comparison by acquiring project companies that own solar power plants and by carrying out solar power plant investments. Through a series of private and public capital raisings, we aim to achieve company growth to a total solar power capacity of around 100 MW AC, which will significantly contribute to Hungary’s annual renewable energy generation. Our operations are characterized by environmental protection, a transparent and efficient corporate structure and corporate social responsibility.
NAP Nyrt. was founded in October 2020 by seven individuals. The company's shares have been traded on the Xtend market of the Budapest Stock Exchange since 21th. October, 2021. Currently, Nap Nyrt.'s registered capital is HUF 8.4 billion and it already produces "green energy" using 73 solar power plants with a total capacity of 57,6 MW AC in Söjtör (Zala county), Mohács and Lánycsók (Baranya county), Tiszafüred (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county), Ócsa (Pest county), Medgyesegyháza (Békés county), Alsónémedi (Pest county), Lajosmizse (Bács-Kiskun county) and Kakucs (Pest county).
News about the company
The execution of the first green power purchase agreement on the Hungarian market, under which Nap Plc. will provide a part of the electricity needs o...